Mobile Application

Smartphone applications

Smartphone applications - image

Original Smartphone applications provide services similar to the services provided by corporate websites specializing in smart phone application design, but original applications provide a positive user experience, because the application is compatible with the operating system of the device in a very positive and effective way.

Original Smartphone applications provide services similar to the services provided by corporate websites specializing in smart phone application design, but original applications provide a positive user experience, because the application is compatible with the operating system of the device in a very positive and effective way.

But no one can deny that website apps designed to develop smart phone apps are easier, more flexible, faster, and less expensive than original phone apps.

Web sites for smart phone applications are more suitable for developers, while original smart mobile apps are more suitable for the users.

The initial practice is to integrate the best of both domains into a single technology that can be used in both Web applications and original applications.


What is the definition of the original practice of smart phone applications?


The original practice of smart phone applications:


The original practice of smart phone apps is a framework designed to develop original apps for Android and iOS.


It is therefore widely used by developers of smart phone applications, thanks to the use of JavaScript, the most widely used front-line infrastructure on the Internet and more important than AngularJS.


This is the main advantage of the technology that can be applied more effectively in the design of Android applications, where you can get up to two original Smartphone applications at a single price.

What are the main benefits of developing Smartphone apps?

The main benefits of developing Smartphone apps:

Ø  Make a common set of tools that contribute to the development of both the website and the Smartphone.

Ø  Create a similar symbolic rule for both iOS and Android.

Ø  Access for method to an illustration of React mobile UI development.

Ø  The practice of developing original Smartphone applications has many advantages, which can reach:

1.       Development of smart phone cameras

2.       Develop communication data for your Smartphone.

3.       Geolocation of your phone.

Ø  Suitable for creating social networking connections and applications.


How do these applications run?

Start the Face book network in 2013 and support it by allowing developers to work on different paths and pages without worrying about the destruction of the paths and actions of others. React is therefore very predictable and may involve adding new features to the application without which has a negative impact on the application itself and the opportunity to develop the application more smoothly and easily, but we should point out that these benefits and benefits were limited to browser-based applications (Computer tools and applications which run on a web browser via the Internet without accessing the operating system) and were not extended to original smart phone applications.

nevertheless, in March 2015, Face book was able to resolve this limitation by "React Native" through the" iOS " version, which allowed developers of smart phone applications to use the same" React library" used to develop Web applications to create original phones applications.


Finally, the use of React Native enables developers to develop and design the user interface for original applications, using both JavaScript and React, as they were in Web applications.

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