مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي تلعب دورا مهما في حياتنا العملية والمهنية ولكن كم نقضي من الوقت بإستخدام هذه المواقع يوميا هو السؤال الذي نحاول معرفة اجابته كأفراد و كرجال اعمال و اصحاب مشاريع
ملاحظات مهمة في التسويق الإلكتروني
Jul 01, 2019
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the science of improving the appearance of a website or a web page in the results of free search engines.
Search engine
optimization (SEO) is the science of improving the appearance of a website or a
web page in the results of free search engines such as Google, Yahoo,DuckDuckGo
, Bing ,yandex ,Baidu,archive,AOL, ASK,
and Wolfram Alpha ,so that it appears in the first results by studying how
search engines and factors Affecting the ranking and improvement of search
engine results as well as treating some errors and problems in the sites.
SEO (Search engine
optimization) is also a branch of e-marketing.
A simple example to
clarify the meaning of the word SEO If we entered on
https://maktoob.search.yahoo.com and we searched for "Forex" will
show us results about the offers and ads and topics about the word Forex, these
results are sites that offer Forex companies and tips and Information on Forex
and be in the first 10 results and these results mean 10 sites that offer a
service and information about Forex.
These are 10
sites that have worked «SEO" or have Configure their sites in order to
appear in the first results.
These 10 sites are the
ones who show up for Yahoo search engine, they deserve to be featured in Home
(the main page) for search engine Yahoo.
How to get to the top
of results in search engines such as Google, Yahoo?
To reach the top of
the results in the search engines such as Google and Yahoo there are two ways:
§ Method 1: FREE
It is by
configuring your site for search engines by using the methods and processes of
the Seo and choosing the appropriate words and prepares your pages in line with
the rules of search engines such as Google, Yahoo and others
§ Method 2: Paid
By paying for
Google to appear in the home page in the words of your choice or what is known
as Google Ad words.
If you use Google Ad
words to market any pay-per-click or impression, you can understand marketing
in the Bing Yahoo network or other search engines.
What does SEO (Search
Engine Optimization) mean for websites?
Search Engine
Optimization (SEO) means site friendliness for search engines, so it takes
confidence from search engines that it offers something really useful to
visitors and deserves to be ranked first in the search engines.
The friendship of
search engines has rules and basics that anyone can prepare their site
according to them in order to appear in the first search results for search
engines if he read and continued the latest news related to search engines,
such as:
Ø Read the Google bulletins
about the SEO, and the Google tips that they send to webmasters to improve
their sites.
Ø Buy professional courses
for SEO.
Ø Read articles about SEO.
How does SEO work?
Search Engine
Optimization (Seo) is divided into two sections are: on-page, and Off-Page.
On-page: are all
processes and modifications that we make on the same site to be configured for
search engines such as:
ü Add keywords
ü How to choose a page link
and add words to it.
ü Add Meta tags
ü Meta tags for images
within the site.
ü HTML codes such as:
Note: The content of
the page must be unique and not moved from other sites.
Off-Page: These are
all off-site operations to gain the confidence of search engines, such as:
v External links.
مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي تلعب دورا مهما في حياتنا العملية والمهنية ولكن كم نقضي من الوقت بإستخدام هذه المواقع يوميا هو السؤال الذي نحاول معرفة اجابته كأفراد و كرجال اعمال و اصحاب مشاريع
Jul 01, 2019
نتحدث في هذا المقال عن التسويق الإلكتروني وما هي النقاط المهمة الواجب توافرها والحرص على أدائها للوصول الى نتائج مرضية وقيمة
Jan 22, 2019