What is Web Hosting?

What is Web Hosting? - image

What is Web Hosting?

To understand the process of web hosting you must understand the meaning of website, server, hosting.

Ø  Website: A collection of programs and files that are displayed on pages stored on a computer connected to the Internet, and can be browsed by any user of the Internet anywhere.

Ø  Server: A computer with a very high specification and operating system that stores the programs and files that comprise the websites, so that visitors to these sites to browse these sites on the Internet.

So, the server is a "computer" but has strong capabilities.

Ø  Hosting: A set of servers connected to each other and containing the content of the site to which other computers can access via the Internet.

Through these definitions, the meaning of web hosting is defined where hosting means hosting a server or web server, the contents of a particular site and linking the domain of that site to the IP address of the server.

What types of web hosting?

Types of web hosting:

Free hosting service:

Free hosting service: A service provided by some large sites, although they are free, they benefit from placing their ads on a customer website.

In addition, this type of hosting is limited.

The default hosting service:

The default hosting service is that a server is shared between a set of sites. Each site has its own operating system and the resources are shared between them.

Shared hosting service:

Shared hosting service: It is hosting where the hosting server contains many sites ranging from hundreds or thousands of sites.

Custom hosting service:

Custom hosting service: It is to rent the site for server and its own server does not share with one.

 This service the most expensive of previous types.

Reseller Web Hosting:

Reseller: It is a service for the hosting providers for allowing the person to offer free or paid hosting to others.

What is Best Hosting, Is Hosting Free or Hosting Paid and Why?

Hosting types can be divided into free hosting and paid hosting. Some hosting sites offer hosting services free of charge with the aim of obtaining special services such as:

Ø  Advertising on their hosted sites.

Also, companies or individuals who are going to host their sites on free servers give up many of the benefits in exchange for these freebies.

Nowadays, the trend towards free hosting is negligible .only small personal sites go to them.

The reason for this is that the cost of paid hosting has declined significantly compared to previous years, which has made webmasters want to enjoy the many benefits they receive with paid surcharges.

What is the hosting plan offered by the hosting sites?

Number of sites allowed:

The number of sites allowed to be added to the same plan.

Cloud storage:

Is the available space that will contain all the files and contents of the client site.

Number of databases:

The number of databases allowed to be created on the same plan.

Number of mail accounts:

The number of mail accounts hosted on the same plan.

Number of sub domains:

The number of sub domains hosted on the same plan.

Explanation and clarification:

Sub domains such as:  "example.domain.com" It is considered in the previous example Name of sub domain for Domain "example.com"

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